About Us
Hello and Welcome…
Here at Tolevsky Partners, the entire team are committed to helping you 'Build Your Business & Grow Your Wealth'. In fact, that’s been our underlying focus since the practice was established in 1985. Back then we set about creating an accounting practice that could successfully support the taxation, business and financial planning needs of business owners.
Since then the practice has s
uccessfully helped several thousand business owners and today we take great pride in our client's success. We have built a reputation for
delivering quality service and advice and strive to deliver exceptional value for money. We are certainly not your average firm of
accountants and do more than just keep the 'financial score'.
We believe communication is a vital ingredient in any successful relationship and we aim to meet with our clients on a regular basis. This provides us with a better understanding of your business and allows us to discuss what’s important to you. Our quarterly ‘Business Accelerator Newsletter' and educational YouTube videos are just another way we communicate with our clients and these resources are full of business development ideas and wealth creation strategies.
We work closely with you, listen to your needs and provide a service way beyond the traditional tax and compliance accounting firm. We want to help you grow your revenue, profits and business value plus create personal wealth using tax effective strategies like negative gearing and superannuation.
How we are different …
Being a pro-active accounting firm we have responded to the changing needs of our clients over the years. We have added a range of extra
services and developed considerable marketing expertise so we can assist you with your branding, website, social media campaigns and videos.
Our mission includes helping you fast track your business success and this includes getting a better return on your marketing dollars. Of
course, our services incorporate asset protection strategies and where applicable, succession planning. These skills and services
distinguish Tolevsky Partners from most compliance based accounting practices in Melbourne.
As a progressive firm we continually adopt the latest technology and systems and aim to support our clients in creating efficiencies in
their accounting and reporting cycle. We believe in supporting you and your business every step of the way and for our larger clients
we even provide CFO services and regular ‘board room’ style meetings to explain how their business is performing and benchmark
them against their peers.
What we specialize in…
Over time the practice has developed some niche markets including general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists, optometrists, solicitors, architects and a range of retailers. In addition, we provide specialist advice to business start-ups and clients thinking of buying an investment property. When it comes to retirement planning we also provide expertise in SMSF advice and we view wealth creation as an integral part of the tax planning process.
How you’ll benefit from working with us…
As you’ll discover, we’re very different to most traditional suburban accounting firms. We get involved in your marketing and business development activities to help you grow your business. A key differentiator is we view the tax return as the start, not the end of the client process. We want to help you reduce the cost of preparing your tax returns and basic compliance work plus our client brief includes helping you grow your wealth.
For example, a lot of accountants will tell you that "you need to increase your revenue by $100,000". They tell you the problem but don't offer a solution. By contrast, we will not only show you how, we will work with you every step of the way to make it happen. In the digital age we view marketing as the difference between doom, gloom and boom. You see, we’ve invested a lot of time, money and resources to gain further education and training so we can offer you solutions that conventional suburban accounting firms don't offer.
More services, value, support and high impact advice on a wider range of topics (like how to grow your business) which ultimately delivers improved results for your hard work. In turn, the flow on effect is improved financial outcomes, a better lifestyle, a more valuable business and greater wealth. This is attributable to the additional training we’ve invested in that isn't covered in standard accounting degrees. Areas including website development, search engine optimization, video production and social media are all outside the scope of the accounting firms that focus on tax returns and compliance. We focus on the critical ‘4 ways to grow any business’, your ‘Key Performance Indicators’ team management concepts and the 18 key leverage points of any business,
Our pro-active approach is part of our DNA and we strive to deliver value to our clients. ln fact, we are all about improving your financial results. If you’re a committed and ambitious business owner looking to accelerate your business success we invite you to book a FREE, one hour introductory consultation to discuss your business needs. You'll get practical business, tax, marketing and financial advice designed to help you build your business and grow your wealth.
Simply call us today on (03) 9326 1244 or complete your details in the box at the top of this page.