Tax Return Checklists 

It's tax time again and to keep things simple, we've prepared  a 'Tax Return Checklist'  to help collect your tax information so that we can get you the best possible result.
Regardless of whether you are using  XERO or another bookkeeping system for your business, you  need to complete a Tax Return Checklist  for EVERY individual over the age of 18 in your family group that you want us to lodge a tax return for.

This is because as an 'individual' taxpayer, you may have earned income in your own name, that has not been included in your business income.  e.g. Interest on term deposits,  dividends from shares , rental property income, capitals gains from the sale of real estate and shares etc.

You may have also incurred expenses that need to be included on your personal tax return. e.g. A personal  concessional contribution into superannuation that needs to be claimed on your personal tax return.  You may have also incurred some additional work related expenses in your own name that need to be included.  

As you can see, we want to make sure you don't miss anything and that's why you must answer every question and keep your tax records for five years.

We highly recommend that you use Dropbox  to keep your tax records stored securely in the cloud.  That way you can have a 'paperless office' and be free of all the clutter.  Also, in the unlikely  event of a tax office audit, where you are asked to substantiate your claims, you will have peace of mind that everything is stored in one place. 

With that in mind we kindly ask that you complete the Tax Return Checklist and where appropriate a SMSF checklist and upload to Dropbox and email the link to  

You must send in all of your information at the same time, including your SMSF if you have one,

Once we receive your information we will send you a confirmation email. The current turnaround time  is
6 to 8 weeks, providing you have supplied us with everything.  If you need your tax returns done sooner than that please let us know.

If you need assistance completing the 'checklist' or would like to make a time to discuss your tax returns please make an appointment.

Individual Tax Checklist Individual Tax Checklist

SMSF  Tax Checklist SMSF  Tax Checklist

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