Team Profiles

Our team are dedicated to providing you and your business with personalised professional services. All our team members are committed to ongoing professional development so you enjoy the best technical tax and accounting advice available. 

Specialist Medical Accountant

Chris Tolevsky started Tolevsky Partners in 1991 after recognizing a real need in the market for accounting, business advice, and wealth-building services tailored to business owners and professionals, including those in the medical field.

Chris gets that managing a professional  practice can be tough. He points out, "You’re constantly juggling long hours, unexpected problems that pop up, and all the other day-to-day stresses that can really make or break your practice.  

And that’s just the beginning. If you’re like most, you spend the bulk of your time working in your practice—treating patients, dealing with staff  and handling paperwork. On top of that, you’re also managing your finances, taxes, costs, and marketing. It can feel overwhelming.

The key, though, is to work on your practice, not just in it. That’s where we come in—to help you build your practice and grow your wealth.”

He explains that most clients don’t come to them just for the basics, like filing a tax return (although that’s obviously necessary). What really matters is everything they do beyond compliance.  

“There are two types of accountants for business owners to consider, technical ones and strategic ones. Having consulted to hundreds of small business owners and written 3 books I can share with you that having a technical accountant looking after your accounts is 100% useless if you are following the wrong strategy in the first place. Chris is a Strategic Accountant that focuses on your strategy first and then follows through with the right technical aspects. It's why Chris has been my accountant for over 20 years and is more affordable than you think, especially when you realise how much money you have given away unknowingly through poor advice.”

George Bakrnchev
Red Day Coaching

First, they help clients cut down on unnecessary compliance costs by setting up the right accounting software for the practice, like XERO . This makes it easier to keep track of how the practice is going financially and it allows us to give our clients proactive advice.

Chris and his team also help improve profitability with a range of strategies. For medical practices, this could mean team training, better marketing, or improving the patient experience and service.

Chris also help clients with digital tools like lead-generation websites, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media campaigns— helping practices attract new patients in creative ways.

But it’s not just about making more money today—it’s about keeping more of it for the future. Chris helps clients review their business structure to make sure their assets are protected and that they're minimizing taxes. He is also educates clients on how to use those savings to build wealth—whether it’s setting up a real estate portfolio or a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) to buy their practice premises or building their share portfolio. 

The ultimate goal is to help clients create passive income streams, so they can retire comfortably, and maybe even a little earlier than planned.

Chris has been recognized for his success in helping clients build their businesses, and his track record speaks for itself. Tolevsky has featured twice in BRW for his success with clients. You can read what his clients have to say about him by clicking here.

 Professional Qualifications and Memberships

- Fellow Member National Tax & Accountants Association
-  Bachelor of Economics (Accounting)
-  Registered Tax Agent
-  Diploma of Financial Planning
-  Certified XERO Consultant

Chris Tolevsky can be contacted at


Michelle, has been with Tolevsky Partners for over 30 years and works with our team of accountants and bookkeepers to prepare and lodge tax returns for our clients. She holds a degree in Business (Accounting) and is highly skilled in the areas of business tax.  Our clients love dealing with her because she is always so friendly and helpful. As a busy working mum, Michelle enjoys dedicating her spare time to her two sons. Her passion is travelling to Croatia every year for holidays. Michelle can be contacted at


Specialist Medical Accountant

Nicholas brings a lot of energy and enthusiasm to everything he does. When he's not working, you’ll find him cheering on his favorite teams, the Brisbane Lions and Manchester United. Nicholas has a real passion for great food and is always looking  for new culinary experiences. He also makes fitness a priority, regularly hitting the gym to stay in top shape. With his vibrant personality and love for life’s adventures, Nicholas is all about embracing every moment with excitement and enthusiasm. 
Nick can be contacted at

Specialist Medical Accountant

With a Bachelor of Accounting and a major in Marketing, Natasha combines financial expertise with a strategic marketing edge to deliver outstanding results. She’s driven by a passion for helping clients grow their wealth and reach their goals, always looking for the best opportunities to create value.

Outside of work, Natasha loves to travel, stay active, and is an avid fan of the Brisbane Lions. When she's not cheering on her team, you'll likely find her enjoying the tennis . You can reach out to Natasha at – she’s always ready to help. 

Practice Manager 

Every successful business has a rock-solid support team behind it, and that's where Pauline shines! With her solid management background, she brings a wealth of experience and an incredible attitude that helps our team deliver awesome service.

When she’s not at work, Pauline is all about enjoying life. She’s a fan of cooking up delicious meals and hosting family and friends for a good time.
Shopping and traveling are also on her list of favorites, and she stays fit
by power walking and hitting the gym.

Financial Adviser

Tony is a Certified Financial Adviser with a diploma in financial planning and has been in the game since 1982! He kicked off his career with National Mutual, specializing in insurance, investments, and superannuation, all while helping clients achieve their financial goals.

For over 30 years, Tony has stayed ahead of the curve, constantly updating his knowledge on changes in the financial services industry. He’s also made sure to expand his expertise, earning the necessary accreditations to advise on Self-Managed Superannuation Funds and ASX-listed shares.

Xero Accounting Specialist 

Sharen has been a part of the bookkeeping world since 1991. But in 2006, she realized it was time to level up her skills. So, she enrolled in TAFE and completed both Cert III and Cert IV in Finance/Accounting, earning her BAS Registration. But she didn’t stop there—Sharen, always up for a challenge, decided to go the extra mile and pursue her long-awaited Diploma of Accounting at 43!

Sharen is deeply passionate about helping small businesses save time and money, and for her, Xero is the ultimate solution. She believes that success starts with the right setup—if the accounting software file is set up properly from the start, smooth sailing for the bookkeeping follows.

For Sharen, it’s all about empowerment. Her mission is to equip clients with the tools and knowledge they need to get the most out of their Xero experience.