How Testamentary Trusts Work
In this 8-minute video you'll learn how the rich minimise their tax and protect their families wealth using
Testamentary Trusts and how you could do the same. You might be very surprised by what you discover....
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The Best Investment a Doctor Can Make
Many doctors who build wealth do so by running their own practices. They focus on making their practice a successful business, spend less
than they earn, and save the difference. Over time, those investments grow and can outpace the practice itself, becoming the main source of
cash flow and wealth. But it all starts with the practice. It’s the heart of the journey.
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3 Simple Checks to Make Sure Your Super is Working for You
How often do you check on your super? It’s probably not all that often, right? But here's why it’s a good idea to pay more attention to your super: You see, even small changes in your super’s performance or fees can have a big impact on your retirement savings.
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