How To Get Debt Free 

Remember that great song Abba wrote ‘ Money Money Money ‘. Yeah I know.I’m showing my age, and I must confess I still love listening to Abba. But although this song was released in 1976, the words still hold true...

I work all night, I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad?
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me .....
That's too bad....
Money Money Money
...It's a rich mans world

Ain’t that the truth! The chances are you’ve got some personal debt hanging over your head...don’t worry not alone. Getting rid of personal debt should be at the top of your financial to-do list. Because living debt-free is not just about having more money,  it’s about having peace of mind and freedom!

Let’s look into  why it’s so crucial to tackle your debt and how you can do it with a powerful strategy known as the ‘Debt Snowball Method’.

The Burden of Debt: Why It Matters

Debt can be like a heavy anchor pulling you down. When you’re bogged down by credit card bills, or personal loans, it’s not just about the monthly payments; it’s about the stress, the limits on what you can do, and the missed opportunities.

Think about it: what if instead of making monthly payments on debt, you could use that money to save for a vacation, invest for retirement, or start a new business? That’s the kind of freedom debt can take away.

The Solution: The Debt Snowball Method

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “That sounds great, but how do I even start tackling my debt?” That’s where the Debt Snowball Method comes into play.

Here's how it Works:

  1. List Your Debts: (except your home loan and student debt). Start by listing all your debts from smallest to largest. Don’t worry about interest rates—this method focuses on tackling the smallest debts first.
  2. Make Minimum Payments: Continue to make the minimum payments on all your debts except for the smallest one.
  3. Focus on the Smallest Debt: Put any extra money you can find towards the smallest debt.
  4. Celebrate and Move On: Once you’ve paid off the smallest debt, celebrate your victory! Then, take the amount you were putting towards that debt and apply it to the next smallest debt on your list.
  5. Repeat the Process: Continue this process, moving from one debt to the next as you go. Each time you pay off a debt, you’re gaining momentum and confidence. It’s like a snowball rolling downhill, gathering speed and size as it goes!

 Why It Works:

The Debt Snowball Method is powerful for a few reasons:

  • Psychological Boost: Paying off smaller debts quickly provides a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated to tackle the next one.
  • Simple and Focused: This method keeps your strategy straightforward. Instead of juggling multiple strategies or getting bogged down by interest rates, you’re simply focusing on one debt at a time.
  • Momentum Building: As you pay off debts and the amounts you’re applying to each one grow, you build momentum. This can turn a daunting task into a series of manageable steps.

Final Thoughts…

Taking control of your debt is a crucial step towards financial freedom. The Debt Snowball Method can help you gain traction and motivation as you work towards a debt-free life.  Of course, now that you have your personal debts paid off, your next step is to pay of your home mortgage if you have one.

Remember, every big achievement starts with small steps. So, take a deep breath, make a plan, and start rolling that snowball towards a brighter, debt-free future.

Got any questions about managing debt or need some personalized advice? Feel free to contact us—we’re here to help!  

This information is general in nature and does not take into account your personal financial situation. It is for educational purposes only, and does not constitute formal financial advice. You should always seek personal financial advice that is tailored to your specific needs